The best marketing tip – what you can learn about successful video content from a Burlesque dancer
If I were only allowed to give you one tip on successful video for marketing then this would be it.
I’m not suggesting for one minute that you start selling your business peeking between ostrich feathers but you might want to pay attention to one of the cleverest tricks of the dancer. It’s the Tease. This is the ‘Why Watch’. It’s a scripted hook. Any tv show uses it all the time. It should be there at the start, in the middle of your video, and slamming in at the end. Verbal or Visual. This clever little mechanism is the most under used – in fact is almost never used – and yet it’s a simple means for grabbing an and hanging onto them. The Tease hooks an audience, it drives them forward and at the end it brings them back for more. Whatever product you are marketing your video content will be stronger for this. I will be showing attendees how to use it on the 25th at Entrepreneur Business Live.
Until then I’m staying behind my feathers.